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The Care Group offers a friendly visit, a telephone call or, perhaps, the odd bit of shopping. The group meets quarterly to catch-up and discuss and support one another in this important aspect of our parish life.

This important outreach focuses on pastoral care, offers companionship, support and a listening ear. Your presence and kindness can be a profound blessing, helping to foster a strong sense of community and care within our church family, alleviating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

We invite compassionate and dedicated volunteers to join our Parish Care Group team, where you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community and members.

The more volunteers we have the more effective we can be and your help, however small, will be very much appreciated.If you want to know more, please contact the Parish Office and they will pass on your details to our team.

If you know of anyone within the parish who may need our support and

who is willing for us to contact them, please notify the Parish Office.

The Office will then pass on their details to the group.

Volunteers who are visiting parishioners in their own homes are DBS certified

and have carried out the appropriate safeguarding training.



This coming Lent, we will be collecting items for our local foodbank.  Contributions can be left at the back of the churches.

The non-fridge storage items that are always needed are:

  • Tinned Meat
  • Pasta Sauces
  • Breakfast condiments (jams & spreads)
  • Long life Juice and Squash
  • Nappies (Sizes 6-8)

Not needed (already high stock levels)

  • Boxes of tea
  • Tinned Soup
  • nothing with a past expiry date

Going forward, we would like a volunteer/s to co-ordinate contributions to the foodbank on a regular basis. We have members of the foodbank within the Cranleigh Parish, and they will work with you to help organise this.  This role will include establishing what items are needed and displaying a list at the back of the church. Food contributions will then need to be collected from the churches and dropped off at the Foodbank.  If you are able help, please contact the Parish Office who will put you in contact with a foodbank representative who will be able to give you a little more detail. 

HEAR HERE:  The Baptist Church runs a HEAR HERE maintenance clinic each 4th Friday of every month helping those with NHS (only) Hearing Aids. They give batteries, change tubing, and provide basic maintenance work on them. It is a good service and provides assistance with quality of life to those in our community.