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Vocations to the Diaconate, the Priesthood and Religious life

Every Christian is called, by God, to give some definite service to the Body of Christ, the Church, and to the world, for the sake of the Kingdom.  So all Christians have a vocation.  Pablo Picasso wrote: “The meaning of life is find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away.” Not all Christians are called to serve the people of God as a priest or a deacon, but some are.  The Church is in desperate need of men to offer themselves in order that Christ’s flock may be nourished by the sacraments and by the proclamation of the Gospel.

To become a priest, or a deacon, is the fruit of prayer and meditation on what it is that God wants of me and how I can offer my life in service of the gospel.  The discernment process can take a long time as, like marriage, Holy Orders are a permanent character imprinted on the one who is ordained for life.

On the other hand, the life of a priest or a deacon is extremely satisfying.  Often fun, it can be rewarding but seldom in a financial manner! 

To want to be a priest or a deacon is to want to serve; to glorify God through prayer and a life dedicated to being good news as well as talking about it.  It is about involving oneself in people’s lives – in their celebrations, in life changing moments of birth marriage and death and in helping people understand God’s presence in their lives.  It is about celebrating important moments in the life of individuals and the community through the Church’s sacraments.  It is about believing the ‘kerygma’ – “That God loves us so much that he sent His son Jesus who died for us and who is with us every moment of every day to heal, forgive and strengthen us”

If you feel that God is calling you to something MORE then get in touch with the clergy in your Parish for a chat.