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Is your faith a little arid?

Lent is a time for growth.  The word is derived from old English for “Springtime” and we can think of this as an opportunity for a fresh spurt in our faith through discipline, prayer, fasting and almsgiving – the traditional Jewish and Christian methods to deepen holiness.  Holiness is our vocation as Christians and is available for all – including you reading this.

We have a number of Lenten activities and devotions planned to help you get the most out of Lent.

Lent Programme

This six-part course for parishes and Lent groups is based on Pope Francis’ much acclaimed recent reflections on mission and evangelism, published as Evangelii Gaudium (‘The Joy of the Gospel’).

Widely recognised as offering wisdom and vision for all Christians in a culture that is often hostile to the church, Evangelii Gaudium offers a positive and realistic approach to sharing faith in the modern world.

Paula Gooder introduces its key themes to readers in all denominations and challenges them to consider its application in their own contexts.

The course comprises six sessions:

1. Joy and the Gospel
2. Going Forth
3. Saying Yes and Saying No
4. Proclaiming the Gospel
5. Making the Kingdom Present in Our World
6. Being Filled with the Spirit

The book contains everything needed to run the course including Bible readings and leader’s notes.

Each person in the group will need a copy – currently £7.99

  • Small Groups for Lent in Bramley at 10am on Monday mornings and at Cranleigh Thursday evenings at 7.30 and Friday at 2pm.
  • TheFriday afternoons start at 2pm in St Andrew’s Room, St Nicolas Church Rooms. The Friday afternoon Group runs from Friday 8th March for 6 weeks until the Friday before Palm Sunday.
  • The Thursday evening group starts on Thursday 7th March in the Parish Room and runs every Thursday for 6 weeks until Palm Sunday.
  • It is possible to attend both, or either. But probably better to stay with one group as much as possible.
  • The Bramley group starts on Monday 11th March at 10am at Maureen Loveder’s house. Ring Maureen if you are interested (Tel: 894048) or sign the list in the porch in Bramley, or sign up online. For more information, ring Bridget Eacott (Tel 892406)

To sign up please contact the Parish Office or go to our Sign Up pages here


by kind permission of the Rector, Canon Brian Coyle, we are all invited to join the Seminarians and Staff at the Seminary for VESPERS at 8pm on MONDAY 11th MARCH.  This invitation is extended to our fellow Christians in the village through C.T.C.  It would be nice to have a good representation from our church community.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross is a moving way to come closer to Jesus during Lent. During Lent we shall be celebrating the ancient devotion of the Stations of the cross in both Cranleigh and Bramley as follows:

Thursdays in Bramley at 9.30am (Lauds at 9am)
Fridays in Cranleigh at 9.30am (Lauds at 9am)
and, in addition:

Wednesdays at 10.00   13 – 20 -27 March     03- 10-17 April

Please let Helen Rollo 01483 277395  know if you would like to lead one of the days.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at the Catholic Church

5 Sundays of Lent – usual Sunday services

13/14th April

6pm Vigil and Blessing of Palms at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind

9am Mass and Blessing of Palms at St Thomas More, Bramley

11am Mass and Blessing of Palms at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind

6.30pm – A Service of Tenebrae


Monday – 10am Mass at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind

Tuesday – 10am Mass at St Thomas More, Bramley

Wednesday – 6pm Chrism Mass at Arundel Cathedral


The Sacred Triduumall at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind, Cranleigh

Maundy Thursday – 8pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Washing of the Feet and watch until midnight in Garden of Repose

Good Friday – 3pm Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord

Holy Saturday – 8.30pm Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord

Easter Day

9am – Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at St Thomas More, Bramley

11am – Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind