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The Order of Celebrating Matrimony without Mass
The Introductory Rites
- Entrance
- Sign of the Cross & Greeting
- Introduction
- [Penitential Act & Gloria omitted]
- Collect
The Liturgy of the Word
First Reading from Old Testament (or New Testament if only one reading)
Psalm (or a hymn based on a psalm)
(Second Reading from New Testament)
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Reading – Matthew, Mark, Luke or John
The Celebration of Marriage
- Introduction
- The Questions before the Consent
- The Civil Declaration of Freedom
- The Consent
- The Reception of the Consent
- Acclamation by All
- The Blessing and Giving of Rings
- Hymn
If Holy Communion is not distributed
- Universal Prayer click for examples
- Our Father
- Nuptial Blessing
If Holy Communion Is Distributed
- Universal Prayer click for examples
- Nuptial Blessing
- Our Father
- Sign of Peace
- Holy Communion
- Prayer
The Conclusion of the Celebration
- Blessing
- Signing of Register