The Pound a Week Group was set up specifically to raise funds for selected projects in East Pokot. As its name suggests, members try to give a £1 each week or whatever they can afford. Donations are made in little orange envelopes put in the collection baskets at weekend Masses. Some parishioners prefer to pay monthly or yearly. Donations can be Gift Aided and apart from recording those donations for HMRC purposes, no separate record is kept of members or their donations. Parishioners simply give what they can afford whenever they can afford it.
Since our new Parish was formed in 2006 from the Cranleigh and Bramley parishes, the Pound a Week Group has sent the Missions in East Pokot more than £93,000. We have supported the camel project, the medical and food programmes; and nine members of the Group are currently paying the fees for thirteen children at the Barpello school. The Mission there played a major role in tackling a cholera outbreak a couple of years ago and Fr David told us that the Pound a Week Group was the first to respond to his appeal for emergency funding to help tackle the disease.