First Holy Communion Parents preparatory Course to be held 7.30-9.00 in the Cranleigh Parish Meeting Room on:
Thank you for your interest in the FHC programme October 2025 for baptised catholic children going into Y3 in September 2025; for the Parish of Cranleigh and Bramley. We are really excited about the new course we will be running his year, working in partnership with the Catholic Parish of Guildford. The course aims to support and enable parents to live out their calling as the first teachers of the faith for their children.
The objectives of the programme are to:
- Support parents in preparing their children to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
- Encourage greater openness to having conversations of faith at home.
- Integrate families into the wider Parish community.
- Integrate the children into an ongoing youth programme.
- Encourage parents to engage with other formation and support activities and courses in the Parish.
What is there specifically for my child?
The Guildford family days,which are an essential part of the course.
Does my child need to receive First Holy Communion, to be accepted into St Peters?
Do I need to go to mass regularly to join this course?
Regularly attending Mass is the best preparation for receiving the sacraments. There are 8 Sunday Masses. So if going to mass weekly is not part of your regular practise you should look at how you can make it an important part of your weekend.
Preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time can be one of the most memorable experiences parents share with their children.
Celebration of the Eucharist is never a private devotion but rather a weekly communal gathering much like a family meal. Communion is a joining together of the members of the community, not only with their God but also with each other. Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion is about helping families to become more actively integrated into the community of faith.
Families who regularly worship in the Parish of Cranleigh and Bramley can enrol their children for the parish preparation for Reconciliation and Holy Communion if they will be in School Year 3 and above in September 2025.
The cost for the course is £35 and this includes all materials, refreshments and handouts throughout the year. Please read below for details of the programme on offer in the Parish, including the timetable
To register for the course, your family must be on our Parish database.
We look forward to meeting you at the information evening in September.
- FHC Family Mass
Especially for Children
Families are asked to attend any of the 8 Sunday Masses. Once a month, during Mass the Priest will specifically address the children preparing for First Holy Communion in his homily and will families will be involved in the Mass through music, welcoming etc. Families are welcome to join the community for tea and coffee after Mass.
“It’s so important that the family go to Mass every weekend because that’s where people receive Christ who saves, forgives and unites everyone to the father, the Church and each other.” Pope Francis
- Family Days
Bring the whole FamilyWe will be attending the Guildford Parish Family Days at St Joseph’s Church in Guildford. These are fun ways to dig a bit deeper in faith and teaching of the church. The hall is decorated beautifully and families explore the different interactive stations together in their own time. The activities run all day so,families can book a time that suits them and stay for as long or as little as they like. We even have a café offering good coffee, tea, milkshakes and yummy homemade cakes.
“The family days cemented the themes we had worked through and really provided a focus for the whole FHC programme. It was lovely to be able to involve the whole family.“
- Family Handouts
For parents and children to use together
Parents will collect a colourful, engaging handout each month to work through with their child at home. The content on the handouts is covered at the previous parents’ session. The handouts are a great way to begin conversations about faith in the family and to prepare for Holy Communion together.
My daughter loved completing the worksheets and enjoyed us learning together. She was allowed to express her opinions about a number of things that perhaps she had never been asked about before.“
- Parents Sessions
Just for Parents’
We ask parents to join us once a month for parents’ evenings. At these evenings we will explore and rediscover the Catholic faith. We believe that parents are the first and best teachers in the Faith and are committed to provide the best support for parents in this irreplaceable role.
Refreshments will be provided.
The first session will be an opportunity for parents to find out more about the programme and to ‘opt in’. It is essential that a parent or guardian for each child attends this meeting.
It was refreshing to have a couple of hours each month to really think about my faith and discuss it with other people.”